Lives matter!

Is that really fun?

Getting into her private space

when she is not willing to!!!

She is not expecting you to,

She doesn’t need you to,

She has her own dreams Just like you…

She planned her tomorrow Just like you…

Every girl any where in the world,

Is living with a fear ..

The fear of getting raped!

That thought pops up in her skin and mind

every time she is alone or in crowd….

Educated or not..

Rich or poor….

She collected all the bits and pieces…

To build her life…

Your desire that lasts for a minute

Is going to devastate her..

Next morning might be a normal or a satisfying one for you. …

But not for her

She has to rebuild her dreams

She has to rethink her life

Your one moment is going to cost her an entire life…

Her or him… doesn’t matter…. only lives matter. … controlling your inner sense matters…..

One thought on “Lives matter!

  1. Another good one from you Sowmya. Open conversation about these things in every family is very important.
    1. Every boy kid must be taught by his mom or dad or sis or bro on what a women goes through at various stages and how important it is to respect women.
    2. There will always be bad people in this world and it’s every good person’s responsibility to protect women from such people.
    3. The victims of such crimes will also have to be treated with respect and allowed to live a normal life.

    Respect this writing of yours. Proud to be your friend.

    You make your family so beautiful.
    Your such writings will make the society a better one.

    Keep writing more. Good luck and can’t wait to read your next one!!

    Liked by 2 people

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